Episode 18: Cooking for and with the kids

The Dad.fm guys talk about the go-to meals they prepare for their kids and when might be the best time to introduce your kids to cooking. Jeff shares his two favorite meals to prepare for his family, including vegetarian options for his oldest daughter, and the new development of his 11-year-old cooking dinner once a week.

Adam talks about Super Sprowtz incredible impact on his kids life and vegetable intake!

Jeff shares his no-fail (probably) way to get kids to eat veggies without using butter or Cheese Whiz.

Dice up as many of your favorite fresh veggies as you have into the size of peas/corn (bite size for small mouths), pour a few tbsps of good EVOO and some chopped garlic and/or shallots into a pan over medium heat. Toss in the veggies and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 10 minutes. Reduce heat by half, cover and let it go for another 10 minutes.

Drew talks about a line of kids’ cooking utensils from Curious Chef. Drew has also made many of the recipes from the Cooper and Kid Kits that he has reviewed including The Good, The Bad and the Bugly.

Jeff’s go-to low sodium orange chicken recipe mentioned on the show.

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